The Birth
July 4, 2005 @1:22 pm my oldest daughter ( Rayna Crystal Marcella Gentry Poland) gave birth to a 7 lb 6 oz little girl. I had the honor of watching the infant being held by her Great grand mother, while her Great grand father looked on in joy. Four generations in one room. A true time for celebration. I was so proud of her and her husband who was also there with her the whole time for the birth of both of their children.
What causes some to stop the celebration of life? On that day July 4, there were deaths of natural causes, rapes, murders and other violent as well as non- violent crimes committed. However we concentrated of the celebration of life.
It appears that as we grow older there is not enough celebration of the opportunities that life has to offer us today. We concentrate on the disappointments, setbacks, sicknesses and the let downs of THIS life. But look for happiness after this life ends. For those who think that way, I ask the question: Why celebrate a birth? I answer we celebrate because our life is a gift to be valued to the highest degree above and beyond mediocre.
Our children are taught what to appreciate, value and celebrate from us... The adults. They watch us twice as much as the listen. Do you live your life as a celebration? I say that it is time. Happy birthday to all who woke up today to read this message. CELEBRATE!!!