Stanley "Tookie" Williams
A story for your consideration:
There was a man who had a son who had problems with angry outburst and violent episodes. The father told him, as he worked to help him, to take a hammer, a nail and a board and bring it to him. The father told the son that every time that he had a violent outburst to hammer a nail into the board. The son agreed and continued this until he finally gained better control over his anger. The son approached the father and told him of his Improvement and "redemption". The father then said that now every time that an occasion comes up where you would have had an angry outburst and you used discipline instead take one nail out of the board.
The son followed the fathers instructions again. After an extended period of time the son brought the board back to the father and showed him the improvement that he made. The father sat his son down and asked him what he saw on the board. The son answered holes? The father replied yes. That is the damaged you did when you were angry. So even though you correct your negative behavior there are holes left from the damage that you created earlier that can not be erased.
After 12:00am December 13, 2005 unless otherwise determined. Mr.Stanley "Tookie" Williams will be given a lethal Injection for crimes, murders that he was charged with earlier in his life. Even though he has done remarkable work in attempting to give inspiration and incite to young people to help them avoid a life of gangs and drugs. Also to display a life of "Redemption". There are holes (damages) that are left behind from his previous actions and lifestyle. Now he has allowed himself to be in a situation where others can make decisions and pass judgment on him based on his alleged actions.
What message can we walk away with as those who think and function Above and Beyond? Hopefully it is that we must take the time to think twice, before we act. Hopefully it is that no matter what redemption of our past that we make, we realize that some people may continue to judge us on our past actions. Hopefully it is that we must redeem ourselves not for the benefit of others alone but for the sake of righteousness itself and for ourselves. To be continued...
The lesson you are extrapolating from this horrible event is a great lesson for young people to think hard before they act. Mr. Williams did, in fact, put himself in a situation where others get to decide his fate. However, no matter what he has or hasn't done, no one should have the right, including the state, to murder someone just because he murdered someone else. Society definitely has the right to protect itself by locking killers away for the rest of their natural lives but are we no better than the murderers if we kill this man?
Dr. Respect you are no one basically a NOBODY.
Stanley Tookie Williams is an author - poet and educator.
Though Stanley is no longer with us he is still known around the worl {Infamous} Something you will never be.
Lisa R. RIP Tookie
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