Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina wants to know

This catastrophe that has hit our country is a wake up call on many levels. Take a moment to consider these questions.
  • Would you have done things differently if you were in the disaster area?

  • How do you respond now when you hear or see warning signs, in health, relationships or threats of natural disaster?

  • Can you really count on the government to take care of your basic needs in a crisis?

  • If New Orleans was 68% white and not 68% black would the relief efforts be different?

  • If race is a factor in the relief efforts, who needs to look at things differently the survivors or the rescuers?

  • Is religion a determining factor for those who survive?

  • Those who died and are dying, do you believe it was "Just Their Time To Go"?

  • Do you feel connected or effected by the devastation from Katrina?

  • Does your city have an evacuation plan?If they do, are you aware of what it is?

  • Does your family have a strategy for survival in a crisis?

  • If you are the leader of your family, does the second in command know what you know?

Based on your answers to the above questions, what are you prepared to do now to function above and beyond???



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, it is good to have you back, Dr. Respect. All very thought provoking questions. I do think race and resources placed a big part in the slow to nonexist relief efforts. I don't think religion plays a part in when a person dies. I do believe that when it is your time, it's your time, even when that occurs in large numbers. So many more question than answers but it is good to start the internal thought process in seeking the answer to the questions you raise and to the questions that are generated by the questions you raise and so on. Thank you for keeping us thinking.

11:22 PM  

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