Tuesday, June 21, 2005

To do list

The truth is that even when we die, there will still be things on our "To Do List" that was not completed, and that's o.k. We frustrate ourselves in attempts to finish everything before we can relax , enjoy and appreciate.

The way many of our minds have been conditioned is that we are always looking to finish a project before we can enjoy our life. That project may be school, raising children, losing weight or retiring from a job. The irony of that situation is that as soon as we complete a project, another project is identified in our mind, creating dissatisfaction with our current state of affairs. This makes it difficult for us to enjoy the present. You can't enjoy your work because of thinking about what you are going to do on the weekend. Before the weekend is over you are already thinking about having to get ready for work the next week, and then... plans for next weekend.

To function above and beyond average we must learn to take some "still" time for ourselves everyday. That time is just to give thanks and appreciate what we have and where we are. This way we won't be caught on the treadmill of work, accomplishment, dissatisfaction , new project then back to work again. The dissatisfaction is the disruptive element in that listing of activities. We must find time to enjoy what we have. We get a new car but don't go anywhere of interest other than work. We make more money but don't take time to enjoy spending it on things that will benefit us and our families because we have to work all the time. We order cable television but don't have time to watch it. We join a health club but don't take time to go. We put nice things in our home but are so busy trying to maintain it that we don't have time to enjoy what's inside. We are so busy complaining about not having the "IDEAL" relationship that we miss the value of those who are already in our life.

The purpose of the to do list is to put stuff on it. However, it is important that we remember to put ourselves on the list. Contrary to the opinion of many , that is not being selfish. In fact, if we take good care of ourselves we will be better able to provide for others.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. . .great words of wisdom. As Sheryl Crow sings, "It's not about having what you want; it's about wanting what you got." It's not that it's wrong to want more and to do the necessary things to make that happen. But we absolutely must take the time to appreciate and express gratitude for the things we already have. The laws of the universe will bring more to those who are grateful. I am grateful for you and these posts every day. You truly engage the thought processes and get conversation going in places you probably don't even know about.

12:00 PM  

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