Friday, June 10, 2005

Now that's too much information

There are people who communicate on a need to know basis. Above and Beyond wonders today, who is it that really needs to know AND when is information too much?

The government will not provide all of the information that is going on in the country in terms of terrorist threats to avoid panic. Are we getting not enough, or too much?

I was at a concert once when the power went out. By activating one of my survival strategies, I got close to the officials that were getting information from the outside. I discovered (with my covert tactics) that the building and it's guest were in danger and needed to evacuate immediately. The announcements of the level of threat and danger was never given to the general population. Not enough information? Who needed to know more?

Local police officials told me personally, they did not want citizens notifying other residents about robbery's by written notice, for fear of their reaction. See what I mean?

If you had a family member going into a country that is at war, how much information would you want on a daily basis about that war?

If your significant other found themselves attracted to another person, do you need to know that? Why or why not?

If someone flirts and expresses a personal interest in you, do you need to share that information with your significant other? Why or why not?

If you are diagnosed with a serious illness possibly terminal, should you share that with everyone? Who determines who should know?

Who should decide what should be shared? The person with the information OR the person who wants to know???

As a mandated reporter to the state. I was instructed to share any information that a client may provide if it was a physical threat to themselves or others. So let's rule that one out. Now, tell me this. When is information too much and when is it not enough?

Frustration in life often comes between individuals when expectations are not met. We at Headquarters think it is possible that we are not all using the same standards and rules. Therefore our expectations are off center. Also due to the sensitivity of the subject we often don't even ask the questions OR we lie to protect the one asking the questions. That's not right is it? Or is it?

Maybe you can discuss this around the water cooler today. I will talk with you again on Monday. Remember, we strive to function ABOVE and BEYOND.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such a deep subject with no easy or concrete answers for me. There are times when I want information and times when I believe I don't. Mostly, when there is nothing I can do about a situation, then information doesn't help me. However, if having information might assist me in influencing the outcome of a situation, then information is positive for me. I like to be informed when I can influence the outcome. I can also say that I don't appreciate another person deciding for me what I can and cannot handle in terms of information.

In a relationship, I believe two people need to figure out how to negotiate the information exchanged. I believe that one person's need to have the information and the other person's need to withhold the information should carry equal weight and should be negotiated for the good of the relationship. This takes a lot of commitment and work and I realize not everyone would be up for the task.

As I said, no easy answers and a deep subject. You raise provocative issues that require critical thinking. I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you.

4:47 PM  

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