Monday, May 23, 2005

Wait till it's my turn

History teaches some interesting things. It appears that when some people have been abused, hurt, unfairly treated or oppressed, when the time comes that they gain power, they seem to be more abusive with their power than those who originally oppressed or abused them. It is almost as if they were saying, "Wait till it's my turn, I'll show you". "An eye for an eye leaves both people blind."Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It appears that though many are given authority over others, power and authority itself seems to not be discussed as separate entities. I have noticed that power , authority, a weapon and things such as that seem to have an existence of their own that comes to life when unleashed . When those elements get in the hands of an individual it magnifies the ego, creates a false sense of control and amplifies a dominating manner if those character traits are not already under the subjection of the recipient.

Does this suggest that we should avoid taking on positions of authority or shun power? Absolutely not! To function above and beyond the average person who may be given authority or granted power, we must first realize that we are all connected. Next we must not forget the universal principle of receiving back what we put out (Reaping what you sow). Next we must remember that the greatest power to exercise is power over self. Lastly it is always good to remember the quote. "Strength used in excess becomes a weakness"..Unknown.



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