Monday, May 16, 2005

Have you asked the doctor?

After visiting a young friend in the hospital yesterday who had his leg amputated. I began to give some deep consideration to a few matters. We ( particularly men) are very reluctant to go to doctors for health concerns. Most often we use home remedies and the like to self-diagnose ourselves. This is a very cost effective method on the front end and potentially devastating and deadly on the back end.

Health care is a matter that even those WITH insurance take too lightly too often. All of us no matter what our belief is about the after life need to realize that THIS life at THIS time is a gift. We who wish to function above and beyond need to do all in or power to keep our bodies, mind, heart and spirits in top shape to the best of our abilities. IF we wait...We might experience unnecessary consequences. Are you gambling with something that you can afford to lose? Well....Are you???

That cough. That ache. That blood. That discomfort. That dizziness. That rash. Is that normal? Have you asked the doctor?


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