Sunday, May 08, 2005

"...And God saw that it was good."

It has been determined since the beginning of time that to see a job well done is one of the greatest rewards a person can receive for their efforts. This provides also a sense of accomplishment and overall well being.

Above and Beyond ponders the question, whose standard do you use to measure your accomplishments ? The worker? ( But then would that make you self-centered and operating from the position of the Ego? ) Or the receiver? ( Now would that cause you to participate in bowing to the God of public or shall we say OTHERS opinion?

The quote in the title above was designed to establish a point of reference from a Higher authority. Your comments are welcomed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I read and examined the account where God said He saw and it was good, I concluded that He meant that it was currently as He had planned. That is the standard by which He measured his accomplishment. Perhaps this is the way we too should base our accomplishments. What better example of measuring accomplishment than that set by THE Highest authority? Is it as YOU planned, if so, it is an accomplishment…regardless of what it is. It really is that simple.

12:20 PM  

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