Friday, May 06, 2005

Compared To What?

Our whole existence is tied to comparisons. How a baby develops is compared to other babies. Children measure their height compared to others. Teachers compare the work of different students. A sports team or athlete is compared to other teams or athletes. A fighter is only elevated in rank and recognition when his skills are compared to others. A woman compares her body to other women's bodies in relation to acceptableness. A Man compares his body to other men's bodies in relation to acceptableness also. We compare our relationships to other relationships to determine where we are on the scale of success with our partner. You think we don't? We even compare ourselves to ourselves...You know, how we use to be when we were younger?

This appears to be a normal practice that we have . I wonder is this behavior innate in us or do we learn this. Can we change this? There are those who say "I just do MY thing. I don't compare myself to anyone!" I usually respond by saying. " Really?" but their comments and look seems to be pretty consistent with other people that I talk to who believe they operate independent also...By comparison of course. I mean how would your life and decisions be different if you did not live by comparison? Can you function above and beyond average and NOT compare your level of functioning to what is average? Can you read this Blog and not compare it to other messages that you have heard? Maybe if we all used the same tools to measure we would be in greater harmony.. But what will we compare that tool to? Your life, health, relationships, loves, children, clothes, home, religion and values are compared to what???



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have learned that the greatest and most successful became and remained as such by constantly identifying, comparing and becoming the opposite of that which goes to sleep at times when all that was required is a simple nap.

1:28 PM  

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