You are getting sleeeeeepy
These are the words sometimes used by hypnotist to lull their subjects into a state of hypnosis. A repeating of the same message or the same visual image in front of the person or persons until they are under the control of the one delivering the messages.
Have you thought that some of us may be getting hypnotized by what we see and hear everyday. A constant repeating of messages and images supported by our personal belief of unworthiness can keep us from reaching our full potential.
To determine if we are under a state of hypnosis we can look at our activities for any given day or even plans for the year. How much of that has to do with personal self improvement and doing things that we are passionate about compared to going to work at a job that we don't like, to get a check that does not reflect our worth, to pay for things that we really don't need? How much time do we spend speaking words of hatred aganist people that we have never met? How much time do we spend looking for the most violent movies on television with the most explicit sex scenes, then turn our heads and pretend to be blind or unaffected by the violence in our society and promiscuous sexual activity among the children of today in real life? You are getting sleeeeepppy.
In a state of hypnosis you don't feel the pain ,discomfort or embarrassment of your real reality. You accept the altered reality an altered set of values as your own. This is why a person in a state of hypnosis may squeal like a pig , hop like a frog, get cold in a hot room or take off their clothes in a auditorium full of people and feel no embarrassment.
To function above and beyond we have to break the hypnotic spell. Believe we have GREATNESS in us with UNLIMITED potential. Align ourselves with people who are spell breakers, truth tellers, overcomers and reality checkers. We must not be afraid to have our eyes opened and realize that we are on stage and there are people waiting to see what we are going to do next, for their entertainment.
On the count of three when I snap my fingers all who are still in that hypnotic state will start to wake up. You will feel a little drowsy in the beginning and unsteady , but as Dr. Respect I have fellow truth tellers, Reality checkers, spell breakers and overcomers on staff around the clock for your on going support. One, Two, Three...SNAP.
Very true and also creative. You have a way of looking at things that is out of the ordinary and way above average. You truly are above and beyond.
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