Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Danger and opportunity

I recently received a letter the mentioned that the Chinese symbol for crisis has a dual meaning: danger and opportunity. This triggered the thoughts of how much of our lives depend on how we view what we are presented with.

Imagine how limited we would be in terms of technology if the fear of possible danger overshadowed the possibility of opportunity. What about the risks of hurt and disappointment that may keep us from the possibility of a rewarding relationship. There are also those who will not venture into the avenues of their passion because the threat exist that they may not be successful. We cannot forget those that will not ask for what they want due to the fear of rejection.

To live above and beyond it is good to use a world view. We will come to recognize that adversities and challenges constantly exist worldwide with everyone to varying degrees. In most if not all positive situations we can think of some negatives that were present. Likewise even in the most negative situation if we really look at it we will see that some positive benefits and maybe opportunities resulted as well. How we labeled the experience had to do with what we focused on. The difference further lies in our ability to see the possibility of opportunity within. One commentator puts it this way: "In times like these, it helps to recall that there has always been times like these." It is my opinion that we cannot wait for a time when no danger or risk are involved to live. The opportunities of today are waiting for you in the midst of the challenge.



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