Thursday, June 02, 2005


"Our clothes , our hair our jewelry and such. Our cars and our home , would they mean just as much, if no one responded, I mean not even one word. Would your purchasing habits somehow be deterred?

Is it really for us that we shop and we dress, or is it for others that we try to impress?
I do my own thing I don't care what folks say. Will you also teach your children to live THEIR lives that way? To just do what they feel, forget what people say. But now your son is selling drugs and your unmarried daughter has another baby on the way.

To name all that we do would be quite a chore. So I ask you this, whose opinion do YOU most adore?

With our jobs and our hobbies I'm just trying to say, If you impressed not a soul, would you do them ANYWAY?"

To operate above and beyond we must recognize the level of influence that the opinion of others has on our habits and decisions. We must also realize that we may not be acting with wisdom to function without regard for the affect that our lives has on others.



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