Tuesday, September 12, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

God Bless America

Friday, September 08, 2006

Is it all or Nothing?

To love someone physically,emotionally,spiritually and Intellectually and have them love you the same in all those areas is quite an undertaking to find. In fact I don't know any couple who can say that they both love each other the same in all four of those areas.Yet years sometimes a lifetime is spent looking for that ONE man or woman who has EVERYTHING for you, and you have EVERYTHING for them. Is it possible that one of the reasons for the high and rising divorce rate is that people are trying to accomplish the above, and when it does not happen in all areas they leave? Were their standards too high? Did they settle too soon, or did they ask the questions too late? Do you believe in the all or nothing concept?

Let's look at it for a minute. Physical: loves the way your partner looks. Physically appealing to the eye and sexually compatible. Intellectual: Able to communicate on any subject comfortably with each other. Provides mental stimulation and refreshment. Not intimidated by either ones knowledge. Spiritual: Each shares the same basic belief in spiritual principles that govern life, treatment of people, the purpose of life, death, family and a Higher Power. Emotional: The heart felt connection that generates passion that is unconditional.

Let's pretend that you have found that ONE person. What do you believe you both are suppose to do now? Is the pinnacle of that relationship marriage? Where did you get that idea from? What if everything is there but one area, what then? Which area can you do with out? Are you sure? Will you get that area met with someone else or just live without it or maybe keep searching for the all inclusive person?

Above and Beyond challenges you to answer those questions honestly and see where your answers take you. Maybe share it with a couple considering marriage. It is the belief of Above and Beyond that the things that we NEED are never far away just like the air we breath.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is not a sound check

Being in the world of entertainment I am very aware of the difference between the actual show and the sound check. While at the sound check we don't dress our best, we don't sing our strongest neither do we usually complete all the songs or scenes of the play we are scheduled to perform. The purpose of the sound check is to assure that the equipment is in proper working order and all the props are in place for the actual performance.

The reality of our current times is that many of us are operating in a state somewhere between comatose and coasting, as if (the show) the actual life that we are to enjoy is at another time. A time like after we die or after we go to heaven or after the world ends or after the kids graduate or after we pay all the bills or after we lose weight or gain weight or after we get the new job or retire from the old job and so on and so on. Like this is just a dress rehearsal or a sound check. We busy ourselves passing out judgments on others while too often we are dissatisfied with our own life which makes it almost painful to see someone else happy.

We wait to love, wait to travel, wait to experience new exciting things, wait to fight for what or who we believe in, wait to demand the respect we deserve and ultimately we wait to LIVE, acting like this is just a dress rehearsal or a sound check.

To function above and beyond we must know who we are, where we are and why we are.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!!!! It's SHOWTIME!!!!!

Dr. Respect
