Wednesday, April 09, 2008

To Live or Die

Is life on this planet self perpetuating? Which would mean that what we see and experience is the birth and recreation of what lived before us? Which will include the good,the bad and the Ugly.What prompted this is my observations below.

When I look at nature I see cycles that cause me to question our current concept of death. What if nothing or no one really dies or disappears completely, only changes forms? What dies? Grass? Or does it change forms and blend into it's foundation to live again in another form? Trees? Do they die or change forms, blending into their original foundation? Water, coming in the form of rain, evaporating to the clouds only to return as rain? What of an animal killed and consumed by other animals or humans(You are what you eat, or is that just a figure of speech) is the animal gone or has it only changed forms,now becoming a part of the consumer?

Now more personally. What about a family member or friend described as being lost in death? Of course there is the physical decomposition which returns to the foundation of the earth in the regular cycle of life. However in the memory, habits, character traits, philosophies do they live on? Is a part of your Grandparents and parents living in you, or is that just a figure of speech? Have you ever done something or acted in a way that made you feel like you were someone else? Maybe your mother or father? Or more critically have you behaved in a particular manner and someone else told you, that is EXACTLY the way a past family member whom you have NEVER met, acts? Scary? Maybe not.

Instead of seeing a person as being gone completely in death in the traditional sense. What do you think would happen if you thought above and beyond and saw the essence of the person in and around you now, instead of only waiting and hoping to see them in the "Here After" Just a few thoughts for consideration.


Friday, March 28, 2008

The Myth of Reality

We will often hear expressions like "keep it real" or "I'm gonna just be real with you" or we may watch the so called "Reality TV shows". However there is a myth about this supposed reality. That myth is that all reality is the same truth for all, as well as one reality is known and accepted by everyone. The way of the Toltec Warrior says that "we suffer because we believe what we know". The further discussion on the subject suggest that what we know are our beliefs, which is not only limited to what we have been exposed on tell-lie-vision and other media trickery but most of our beliefs have been given to us by opinionated people sharing their beliefs. Time and experience has shown that perception shapes our reality until it conflicts with natural laws of the universe. The myth of reality.

Recently I attended a presentation on Alzheimer's patients and it was said that the patients are often experiencing a different reality than that of the care provider. The statistics say that 38% more care providers will die, than the patients themselves, largely from trying to get the patients to change from their new perception of reality, or continue to accept their past reality. Therefore what is MOST important Perception or Reality? The speaker said that when you acknowledge the patients perception of reality a greater peace results for all. So how do you "keep it real" now? The myth of reality.

If a persons actions based on their perception does not interfere with your life, then what's the problem? Ahhhh maybe you need others to accept your reality/perception so you can control them? After all statistics show that 90% of the population is looking to follow someone or something rather than put in the work and experience the challenge of searching for and looking in the face of truth. The other 10% of the population knows this and have found multiple ways to profit from this knowledge.

The myth of reality. Can something be a reality that has not happened yet? How many people base their lives on that thought and call it faith? Richard Pryor said in one of his older albums " tell me some more lies so I don't have to think about the truth" MAN did he get his wish, with Reality TV,Religions,commercials, billboards In the movie "A Few Good Men" Jack Nicholson's character said "YOU can't Handle the Truth". King Solomon was quoted in part as saying "There is ONE eventuality... for us all" wise,stupid, black,white,rich or poor. It seems that many of us shape our reality on what is comfortable or familiar to us. Be that truth or not. There are more similarities than differences between human beings but we judge,condemn and KILL others based on our perceived reality about us and them. Minister Louis Farrakhan says that at birth and death we universally make the same sound. The divisions in people come with the perceptions we accept as realities and our actions based on our perceived realities. Then some even say their actions were GOD given (That's another blog).

As we strive to operate Above and Beyond average it would be good to remember that OUR reality is not that of everybody else and their reality is as real to them as ours is to us. What's the reality of all of this? You tell me. Respect.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

God Bless America

Friday, September 08, 2006

Is it all or Nothing?

To love someone physically,emotionally,spiritually and Intellectually and have them love you the same in all those areas is quite an undertaking to find. In fact I don't know any couple who can say that they both love each other the same in all four of those areas.Yet years sometimes a lifetime is spent looking for that ONE man or woman who has EVERYTHING for you, and you have EVERYTHING for them. Is it possible that one of the reasons for the high and rising divorce rate is that people are trying to accomplish the above, and when it does not happen in all areas they leave? Were their standards too high? Did they settle too soon, or did they ask the questions too late? Do you believe in the all or nothing concept?

Let's look at it for a minute. Physical: loves the way your partner looks. Physically appealing to the eye and sexually compatible. Intellectual: Able to communicate on any subject comfortably with each other. Provides mental stimulation and refreshment. Not intimidated by either ones knowledge. Spiritual: Each shares the same basic belief in spiritual principles that govern life, treatment of people, the purpose of life, death, family and a Higher Power. Emotional: The heart felt connection that generates passion that is unconditional.

Let's pretend that you have found that ONE person. What do you believe you both are suppose to do now? Is the pinnacle of that relationship marriage? Where did you get that idea from? What if everything is there but one area, what then? Which area can you do with out? Are you sure? Will you get that area met with someone else or just live without it or maybe keep searching for the all inclusive person?

Above and Beyond challenges you to answer those questions honestly and see where your answers take you. Maybe share it with a couple considering marriage. It is the belief of Above and Beyond that the things that we NEED are never far away just like the air we breath.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is not a sound check

Being in the world of entertainment I am very aware of the difference between the actual show and the sound check. While at the sound check we don't dress our best, we don't sing our strongest neither do we usually complete all the songs or scenes of the play we are scheduled to perform. The purpose of the sound check is to assure that the equipment is in proper working order and all the props are in place for the actual performance.

The reality of our current times is that many of us are operating in a state somewhere between comatose and coasting, as if (the show) the actual life that we are to enjoy is at another time. A time like after we die or after we go to heaven or after the world ends or after the kids graduate or after we pay all the bills or after we lose weight or gain weight or after we get the new job or retire from the old job and so on and so on. Like this is just a dress rehearsal or a sound check. We busy ourselves passing out judgments on others while too often we are dissatisfied with our own life which makes it almost painful to see someone else happy.

We wait to love, wait to travel, wait to experience new exciting things, wait to fight for what or who we believe in, wait to demand the respect we deserve and ultimately we wait to LIVE, acting like this is just a dress rehearsal or a sound check.

To function above and beyond we must know who we are, where we are and why we are.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!!!! It's SHOWTIME!!!!!

Dr. Respect

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams...Continued

A man introduced to the majority of the world as the "co-founder of the Crips gang, co-founder of the murderous crips gang, co-founder of the crips crime gang and in some cases he was introduced FIRST, as the CRIPS GANG co-founder, then his name."

What an introduction! Those who control the media that you choose to listen to read or look at, can shape the thinking , perspective and opinions that we form about others I can't help but wonder if his introductions began with "Mr." or "Author of children's books." or maybe even "nominee for the Nobel Prize" would the publics opinion be any different. This is a clear reminder that our name or what we choose to be called has power that can paint pictures of an image that may or may not be who we actually are.

Now as for Mr. Williams "Redemption" that led to his positive actions for youth. Would he have made such a turn around if he were not placed on "Death Row"? If he was not given a mandatory period of time to think , read and process his actions and the resulting consequences. I don't know if we can answer those questions but as readers who think Above and Beyond we have an opportunity to take time with our freedom to think, read and process our course of action now.We can process the consequences of our actions BEFORE they happen.

Even though many would think this is a message for young people alone, I disagree. I think the parents and adults need to hear the message as well. The parents who produce, adopt and Foster parent the children need to examine if the example they demonstrate is one of thinking proactive. Programs, Boot camps, organizations that deal only with the children has been found to not be as effective as originally believed. The most effective re-education systems include training of all who are involved with the child.

If we don't want to view the execution,the self-destruction, the incarceration the funeral of our children that we still have influence over, we must constantly seek alternatives and possibilities above and beyond the average mainstream concepts that are presented.

May the execution of Mr. Stanley Tookie Williams give birth to the life of possibilities that exist for the men , women and children who are still alive.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams

A story for your consideration:

There was a man who had a son who had problems with angry outburst and violent episodes. The father told him, as he worked to help him, to take a hammer, a nail and a board and bring it to him. The father told the son that every time that he had a violent outburst to hammer a nail into the board. The son agreed and continued this until he finally gained better control over his anger. The son approached the father and told him of his Improvement and "redemption". The father then said that now every time that an occasion comes up where you would have had an angry outburst and you used discipline instead take one nail out of the board.

The son followed the fathers instructions again. After an extended period of time the son brought the board back to the father and showed him the improvement that he made. The father sat his son down and asked him what he saw on the board. The son answered holes? The father replied yes. That is the damaged you did when you were angry. So even though you correct your negative behavior there are holes left from the damage that you created earlier that can not be erased.

After 12:00am December 13, 2005 unless otherwise determined. Mr.Stanley "Tookie" Williams will be given a lethal Injection for crimes, murders that he was charged with earlier in his life. Even though he has done remarkable work in attempting to give inspiration and incite to young people to help them avoid a life of gangs and drugs. Also to display a life of "Redemption". There are holes (damages) that are left behind from his previous actions and lifestyle. Now he has allowed himself to be in a situation where others can make decisions and pass judgment on him based on his alleged actions.

What message can we walk away with as those who think and function Above and Beyond? Hopefully it is that we must take the time to think twice, before we act. Hopefully it is that no matter what redemption of our past that we make, we realize that some people may continue to judge us on our past actions. Hopefully it is that we must redeem ourselves not for the benefit of others alone but for the sake of righteousness itself and for ourselves. To be continued...

