Stanley "Tookie" Williams...Continued
A man introduced to the majority of the world as the "co-founder of the Crips gang, co-founder of the murderous crips gang, co-founder of the crips crime gang and in some cases he was introduced FIRST, as the CRIPS GANG co-founder, then his name."
What an introduction! Those who control the media that you choose to listen to read or look at, can shape the thinking , perspective and opinions that we form about others I can't help but wonder if his introductions began with "Mr." or "Author of children's books." or maybe even "nominee for the Nobel Prize" would the publics opinion be any different. This is a clear reminder that our name or what we choose to be called has power that can paint pictures of an image that may or may not be who we actually are.
Now as for Mr. Williams "Redemption" that led to his positive actions for youth. Would he have made such a turn around if he were not placed on "Death Row"? If he was not given a mandatory period of time to think , read and process his actions and the resulting consequences. I don't know if we can answer those questions but as readers who think Above and Beyond we have an opportunity to take time with our freedom to think, read and process our course of action now.We can process the consequences of our actions BEFORE they happen.
Even though many would think this is a message for young people alone, I disagree. I think the parents and adults need to hear the message as well. The parents who produce, adopt and Foster parent the children need to examine if the example they demonstrate is one of thinking proactive. Programs, Boot camps, organizations that deal only with the children has been found to not be as effective as originally believed. The most effective re-education systems include training of all who are involved with the child.
If we don't want to view the execution,the self-destruction, the incarceration the funeral of our children that we still have influence over, we must constantly seek alternatives and possibilities above and beyond the average mainstream concepts that are presented.
May the execution of Mr. Stanley Tookie Williams give birth to the life of possibilities that exist for the men , women and children who are still alive.