Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams...Continued

A man introduced to the majority of the world as the "co-founder of the Crips gang, co-founder of the murderous crips gang, co-founder of the crips crime gang and in some cases he was introduced FIRST, as the CRIPS GANG co-founder, then his name."

What an introduction! Those who control the media that you choose to listen to read or look at, can shape the thinking , perspective and opinions that we form about others I can't help but wonder if his introductions began with "Mr." or "Author of children's books." or maybe even "nominee for the Nobel Prize" would the publics opinion be any different. This is a clear reminder that our name or what we choose to be called has power that can paint pictures of an image that may or may not be who we actually are.

Now as for Mr. Williams "Redemption" that led to his positive actions for youth. Would he have made such a turn around if he were not placed on "Death Row"? If he was not given a mandatory period of time to think , read and process his actions and the resulting consequences. I don't know if we can answer those questions but as readers who think Above and Beyond we have an opportunity to take time with our freedom to think, read and process our course of action now.We can process the consequences of our actions BEFORE they happen.

Even though many would think this is a message for young people alone, I disagree. I think the parents and adults need to hear the message as well. The parents who produce, adopt and Foster parent the children need to examine if the example they demonstrate is one of thinking proactive. Programs, Boot camps, organizations that deal only with the children has been found to not be as effective as originally believed. The most effective re-education systems include training of all who are involved with the child.

If we don't want to view the execution,the self-destruction, the incarceration the funeral of our children that we still have influence over, we must constantly seek alternatives and possibilities above and beyond the average mainstream concepts that are presented.

May the execution of Mr. Stanley Tookie Williams give birth to the life of possibilities that exist for the men , women and children who are still alive.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams

A story for your consideration:

There was a man who had a son who had problems with angry outburst and violent episodes. The father told him, as he worked to help him, to take a hammer, a nail and a board and bring it to him. The father told the son that every time that he had a violent outburst to hammer a nail into the board. The son agreed and continued this until he finally gained better control over his anger. The son approached the father and told him of his Improvement and "redemption". The father then said that now every time that an occasion comes up where you would have had an angry outburst and you used discipline instead take one nail out of the board.

The son followed the fathers instructions again. After an extended period of time the son brought the board back to the father and showed him the improvement that he made. The father sat his son down and asked him what he saw on the board. The son answered holes? The father replied yes. That is the damaged you did when you were angry. So even though you correct your negative behavior there are holes left from the damage that you created earlier that can not be erased.

After 12:00am December 13, 2005 unless otherwise determined. Mr.Stanley "Tookie" Williams will be given a lethal Injection for crimes, murders that he was charged with earlier in his life. Even though he has done remarkable work in attempting to give inspiration and incite to young people to help them avoid a life of gangs and drugs. Also to display a life of "Redemption". There are holes (damages) that are left behind from his previous actions and lifestyle. Now he has allowed himself to be in a situation where others can make decisions and pass judgment on him based on his alleged actions.

What message can we walk away with as those who think and function Above and Beyond? Hopefully it is that we must take the time to think twice, before we act. Hopefully it is that no matter what redemption of our past that we make, we realize that some people may continue to judge us on our past actions. Hopefully it is that we must redeem ourselves not for the benefit of others alone but for the sake of righteousness itself and for ourselves. To be continued...


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Where do they come from?

My dear and trusted friend Malcolm and I were talking today about a few of our experiences over the past thirty years. We discussed the powerful messages of approximately seven to ten men that were shared with us. This sharing happened during the mandatory time that we spent walking together in order to be considered true brothers.

Now the interesting thing about this story is that none of the men that provided our intense training are any where to be found in any of the professional arenas or personal circles that we have and do travel in. Even though that is where we met them. This includes the "Master Trainer". In addition to that, the people who introduced them to us are all dead. Now we add to that this fact. The messages that we received and the lessons that we were taught, have been life saving for us and we use some version of them daily.

Now this might freak you out. Once I saw one of the men (or at least I thought) I saw one of them in the past thirty years at a press conference on TV. The news papers had pictures of everyone at the event except the one I "thought" I saw.

Do you believe that some people are truly sent into your life for a purpose, then once that purpose is satisfied they are removed? There are many who say that. I believe that facts and statistics don't lie. They are what they are. However I do believe that liars use facts and statistics to validate whatever point they are trying to make.

When you think of the five people that you spend most of your time with, do you think they were "sent" in your life? If so what was their purpose? Were you "sent" in their life? What then was/is your purpose? Who does the your opinion? Do you think this sending is done on a daily basis? Who were those masked men who entered the lives of Malcolm and I? Are all of these things purely coincidental? Is it by chance that people come and go out of our lives?

As a reader of thoughts Above and Beyond I encourage you to never stop asking the questions that lead to a better understanding of self, direction and purpose.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Prioritize What?

Today in the training presented by the "Men of Respect". We concentrated on a facet of the Triple A Plan (a strategy for survival) which emphasizes the need to prioritize before we make the mental adjustment to activate a plan.

In life depending on our direction we need to always assess what is most important at any given time. Then place that important matter in the forefront. Although while sitting in a classroom or training center this may seem like a very easy decision to make. However there are times when the thing that we chose to put first may be unacceptable, unappreciated and disliked by those close to us. That includes family and associates. How do you handle that? There are many who prioritize other peoples priorities in attempts to blend in with family and friends. This on occasion is not a bad thing. However being the creatures of habit that we are, many of us have lost site of the things in life that matter most to us, and we become "Master Blenders" instead of individual architects of our own destiny. Allowing those who we are blending with to live their life, and ours simultaneously. When this happens we become one of the 70% of the population that is always looking for someone to follow, or the 20% that remain in a state of confusion and don't know why we do what we do. Instead of the 10% that are living the life that we truly choose.

What would cause a person to give up identifying and prioritize things that are important to oneself.

Consider these examples:

A domineering companion who we happen to love, but does not love us back with the same understanding.

An employer that pays us what we need to take care of our responsibilities, but not allowing our creativity to be expressed.

A child that we want to please in ways that maybe we were lacking as children.

Most important own internal message, that to consider our interest as important would be a selfish act.

Above and beyond suggest that we love ourselves enough to rediscover the things are important to us without becoming angry at our oppressors. Even if it is us. Once it is rediscovered PRIORITIZE it, knowing that there may be some discomfort involved.


How are you living?

While watching the first real snowfall the other day I began to think about the beauty of nature and its diversity. If nobody would notice, why the need to have each snow flake be different? What was the creator thinking,if not to create a unique beauty above and beyond?

Every tree, blade of grass, leaf and mountain has its own uniqueness. However together they make a breathtaking scene. As humans though we ...if not careful, believe that there is only one right way to live in peace. Where did we learn that? Only one way to pray. One way to love.

Have you ever found a certain kind of music that moves and excites you naturally but because of a conditioned thought you restrain yourself from the natural emotion because you have been taught that you should not like or respond to certain music? Who taught you that?

Many of us become judgmental of those who think different,look different and act different than us. We also deny ourselves the joy of experiencing variety in life due to fear of being judged by others. Did you judge someone today? Did you speak negatively against someone? Did you disrespect someone because their method was different than yours? Has nature not taught, the only one way to live in peace is to live in harmony with the rest of creation? Including our fellow humans.

"We will either learn to live together as brothers, or die together as fools."
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

Are you free enough to live your life without fear of judgment? Are you free enough to allow others to live their lives free of your judgment? Are you living above and beyond and pursuing harmony?

