Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Danger and opportunity

I recently received a letter the mentioned that the Chinese symbol for crisis has a dual meaning: danger and opportunity. This triggered the thoughts of how much of our lives depend on how we view what we are presented with.

Imagine how limited we would be in terms of technology if the fear of possible danger overshadowed the possibility of opportunity. What about the risks of hurt and disappointment that may keep us from the possibility of a rewarding relationship. There are also those who will not venture into the avenues of their passion because the threat exist that they may not be successful. We cannot forget those that will not ask for what they want due to the fear of rejection.

To live above and beyond it is good to use a world view. We will come to recognize that adversities and challenges constantly exist worldwide with everyone to varying degrees. In most if not all positive situations we can think of some negatives that were present. Likewise even in the most negative situation if we really look at it we will see that some positive benefits and maybe opportunities resulted as well. How we labeled the experience had to do with what we focused on. The difference further lies in our ability to see the possibility of opportunity within. One commentator puts it this way: "In times like these, it helps to recall that there has always been times like these." It is my opinion that we cannot wait for a time when no danger or risk are involved to live. The opportunities of today are waiting for you in the midst of the challenge.


Monday, May 30, 2005

But I thought...

On far too many occasions we presume, assume, speak, sentence and pass judgment before we have the facts. Now the most obvious cases are where individuals have been sent to jail and even put to death on erroneous information. However what about the instances that occur on a daily basis? Such as in conversations with friends and strangers where we presume to know what the other person is thinking, planning and even believes based on limited information. Too often we end up saying " But I THOUGHT..." And we were wrong.

The problems that can come from that sort of premature action is, damaged relationships, hurt feelings, misunderstandings and irrational behavior. To function above and beyond it may be better to not be too quick to judge..Least we be judged with the same quickness. Unless we are truly walking in the shoes of the other person it is very difficult at best, to know what they are going through OR have been through. Also contrary to our belief, the other person may not be able or willing to share with us those details, OR they may just think it is none of our business. We probably have enough of our own business to attend to anyway. I was just reminded of these points after viewing the new movie " CRASH" if you have an opportunity you may also find it interesting.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Wait till it's my turn

History teaches some interesting things. It appears that when some people have been abused, hurt, unfairly treated or oppressed, when the time comes that they gain power, they seem to be more abusive with their power than those who originally oppressed or abused them. It is almost as if they were saying, "Wait till it's my turn, I'll show you". "An eye for an eye leaves both people blind."Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

It appears that though many are given authority over others, power and authority itself seems to not be discussed as separate entities. I have noticed that power , authority, a weapon and things such as that seem to have an existence of their own that comes to life when unleashed . When those elements get in the hands of an individual it magnifies the ego, creates a false sense of control and amplifies a dominating manner if those character traits are not already under the subjection of the recipient.

Does this suggest that we should avoid taking on positions of authority or shun power? Absolutely not! To function above and beyond the average person who may be given authority or granted power, we must first realize that we are all connected. Next we must not forget the universal principle of receiving back what we put out (Reaping what you sow). Next we must remember that the greatest power to exercise is power over self. Lastly it is always good to remember the quote. "Strength used in excess becomes a weakness"..Unknown.


Friday, May 20, 2005

How's your balance?

The closer we look at the universe and examine the inner workings of the involuntary components of our bodies we discover something dominating both worlds. Balance and harmony.

All things in the universe are not the same or even moving in the same direction but they are balanced and move harmoniously with one another. The billions of stars, moons and planets all moving in perfect balance. The same is true in our bodies. We have balance between the cells, skeletal structure, blood vessels and organs. The are clearly not the same but they are balanced and work together in harmony.

Most often it is difficult to function above and beyond when we lose our voluntary balance. Eating too much, drinking too much, worrying too much, playing too much, working too much and so on. Then there are the other areas of balance to consider such as music, books, conversation, entertainment and spending habits.

It is said that a human is made up of the body , mind , heart, and spirit. If we do not find and maintain a balance, it can and will most likely affect other areas of our life. Think of the people who are struggling to find peace, contentment and joy in their life. Think of whether they are exercising balance in their lives.

There are many things in our life that can off set our balance. Such as a death or birth, a loss of job or getting a new job, ending a relationship or beginning one, getting sick or getting better. You see it does not have to be just something negative happening that can up set the "apple cart" it can be something positive as well. The challenge that we have, is to recognize this and regain the balance before... Well you know what happens when things get off balance.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Guess what I just heard...

In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.

One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said, "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"

"Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Test of Three."


"That's right, Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to test what you're going to say.

The first test is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it." "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second test, the test of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?" "No, on the contrary..." "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him even though you're not certain it's true?" The man shrugged, a little embarrassed. Socrates continued. "You may still pass though, because there is a third test - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?" No, not really..."

"Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all?" The man was defeated and ashamed. This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem.

Many times we are guilty of passing and receiving poisonous messages from one to another. To function above and beyond let's be sure that what we give ear to and report, will produce the highest good. Why not try the Test of Three.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Just walk away

A Women of Respect recently shared a story with me about the murder of her friends daughter. A man and a woman who would not just walk away. Domestic Violence is the largest most unreported crime in many of our communities. Why so hard to just walk away? Why do we have to stay through the abuse? Maybe we are so familiar with the abuse that it is more comfortable to remain in a familiar pain than to risk the unknown. Maybe we spend too much time around others that experience a similar abuse that we think that it is normal. Maybe we have experienced living through personal abuse as a child or have seen it as a child also leading to the belief that abuse is normal. Maybe we have inner feelings of unworthiness that causes us, on some level to believe that we deserve to be abused. Thoughts might be something like... How could we really expect to be respected, knowing what we do about ourselves? Maybe our women are attempting to live up to the myth of being the SUPER WOMEN and not just women. Maybe the men are too ashamed to discuss the abuse that they receive from women. Maybe your religious beliefs teach that it is better to stay and endure than to leave.

Why can't we just walk away? The abuse can take the form of verbal (Public/Private) as well as physical( small/large). Are you the victim of some forms of abuse? Would others consider you as the perpetrator of abuse? As we strive to function above and beyond we must remember that we deserve to be respected. Others deserve to be respected, at least as humans even if we don't approve of their actions currently.

"If you can't get along, move on"..unknown
We will either learn to live together as brothers (and sisters) or we will die together as fools...Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Let's accept that not only do we have options but so does everyone else. Live and let live. "Don't sweat the small stuff...It's all small stuff"... unknown. Sometimes the best method to reduce the violence is to just walk away.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Relationships without trust?

We often look for absolutes like, complete trust. I have started to examine the many relationships that we have that are not based on complete trust but we continue to have a relationship of sorts with them anyway. Let's look at it.

Based on the large number of malpractice suits , do you trust the doctors of today? Does that mean that you won't go see one when in need and then hope that you will be the exception? With the Mechanics that work on our cars. Do you trust that they are always giving you the best price for the service that was rendered? Or the best service that was available. Will you still go to them when there is a problem? The people that we work for or do business with. Do you trust that they will deal fairly with you in all matters that pertain to you? Will you still go to work tomorrow or do business with them?

I am not suggesting that we don't work on building trusting relationships. I am suggesting that when we operate above and beyond we realize that trust is relative. We must decide not if we trust a person alone but are you able to receive something out of the relationship that may be valuable enough to continue with, although the trust may not be 100%. But then what is 100%? Can YOU really be trusted 100% on all issues in any situation with out question?


Monday, May 16, 2005

Have you asked the doctor?

After visiting a young friend in the hospital yesterday who had his leg amputated. I began to give some deep consideration to a few matters. We ( particularly men) are very reluctant to go to doctors for health concerns. Most often we use home remedies and the like to self-diagnose ourselves. This is a very cost effective method on the front end and potentially devastating and deadly on the back end.

Health care is a matter that even those WITH insurance take too lightly too often. All of us no matter what our belief is about the after life need to realize that THIS life at THIS time is a gift. We who wish to function above and beyond need to do all in or power to keep our bodies, mind, heart and spirits in top shape to the best of our abilities. IF we wait...We might experience unnecessary consequences. Are you gambling with something that you can afford to lose? Well....Are you???

That cough. That ache. That blood. That discomfort. That dizziness. That rash. Is that normal? Have you asked the doctor?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The right time to do wrong

Do you believe there is ever a time that is right, to do the wrong thing? Let's say MURDER. Never? What if it is to protect a family member? Lying? Never? What if the truth would cause more pain than a lie? Disobedience to parents. Never? What if your parents are involved in illegal behavior and want you to participate. Stealing. Never? What if it was life sustaining medicine for your child or parent that they and you could not afford.

To function above and beyond does not mean that we will have all of the answers but it does mean that we are not afraid to ask and look at the questions. Many things in life that we have been convinced are BLACK and WHITE issues have many variables. Are you willing to look at the questions?


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Watch out for the ripple

Most often people prepare themselves for the recovery from the initial effects of an incident. However when you look above and beyond the untrained eye we discover that it is the ripple effect that causes most of the damage .

Examine the ripple of emotions that come AFTER a death. The ripple of emotional unrest AFTER a divorce. Areas that experience earthquakes, hurricanes, title waves, fires, robberies and so on. It is the ripple effect to the other areas of our lives that if we are not careful will cause other catastrophic events in our life. I personally discovered this after the recent invasion in my home. There were other areas of my life that were affected through the ripple effect.

We must watch out for the subtle ripples from previous events that has happened in our lives that may be impeding our growth and development today.


Friday, May 13, 2005

You are getting sleeeeeepy

These are the words sometimes used by hypnotist to lull their subjects into a state of hypnosis. A repeating of the same message or the same visual image in front of the person or persons until they are under the control of the one delivering the messages.

Have you thought that some of us may be getting hypnotized by what we see and hear everyday. A constant repeating of messages and images supported by our personal belief of unworthiness can keep us from reaching our full potential.

To determine if we are under a state of hypnosis we can look at our activities for any given day or even plans for the year. How much of that has to do with personal self improvement and doing things that we are passionate about compared to going to work at a job that we don't like, to get a check that does not reflect our worth, to pay for things that we really don't need? How much time do we spend speaking words of hatred aganist people that we have never met? How much time do we spend looking for the most violent movies on television with the most explicit sex scenes, then turn our heads and pretend to be blind or unaffected by the violence in our society and promiscuous sexual activity among the children of today in real life? You are getting sleeeeepppy.

In a state of hypnosis you don't feel the pain ,discomfort or embarrassment of your real reality. You accept the altered reality an altered set of values as your own. This is why a person in a state of hypnosis may squeal like a pig , hop like a frog, get cold in a hot room or take off their clothes in a auditorium full of people and feel no embarrassment.

To function above and beyond we have to break the hypnotic spell. Believe we have GREATNESS in us with UNLIMITED potential. Align ourselves with people who are spell breakers, truth tellers, overcomers and reality checkers. We must not be afraid to have our eyes opened and realize that we are on stage and there are people waiting to see what we are going to do next, for their entertainment.

On the count of three when I snap my fingers all who are still in that hypnotic state will start to wake up. You will feel a little drowsy in the beginning and unsteady , but as Dr. Respect I have fellow truth tellers, Reality checkers, spell breakers and overcomers on staff around the clock for your on going support. One, Two, Three...SNAP.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Time for a recall

There are people that are involved destructive behaviors against themselves as well as others. This of course is a very discouraging thing to see or experience. If a particular hazard is noticed in certain vehicles, after a period of time we would get a notice in the mail usually for a recall. Due to the threat of harm to self and others. The vehicle would be sent back to the factory and they would in turn check the SYSTEM used to produce this dangerous pattern. Once that pattern has been identified. They don't just look at the vehicle alone...I think you know where I'm going with this.

Above and Beyond is calling attention to the SYSTEMS that are producing the increase of violence among our youth, Black on Black crimes, more so called educators with degrees and less teachers with basic people skills. Let's look beyond the perpetrators of these crimes and look at the systems that produce them. The government, the colleges the schools the families, the media. It's time for a recall. Let's look at who stands to profit from the increase in violence. Who profits when drugs infiltrate a community. Who benefits when blacks fight against each other and are unable to trust well enough to build businesses together. Who benefits when 7 out of 10 kids who go to high school don't graduate. Who benefits when on one side of town kids are allowed to build their future dreams around playing basketball, baseball ,football and rapping and on the other side of town kids are being taught to establish and run their own businesses and OWN sports teams. Who benefited when the leaders of great movements were assassinated. Who benefited when....Well, I think you get the point. It's time for a recall.

We have got to look at the SYSTEMS that previously and still produces self-refueling weapons of destruction, and CONFRONT them. Which means we have got to lock and load. We can't go after a bear with a switch.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Beware of the Trap

Disorganization has been the trap that many businesses and even relationships have fallen into. Often times when it is discovered there is such a downward spiral in effect that it takes drastic measures to re-establish balance.

In a business as well as a relationship our time as well as our efforts and activities have to be Prioritized , Organized and Protected. For the sake of this discussion we will focus on the need of establishing and maintaining Organization.

In order to organize our life we must establish what matters most to us. Not to our children, NOT to our parents (If you are an adult) and NOT to our employer. What is important to us. When not functioning above and beyond average we will just do what's convenient, what's popular or even what works. When we leave out what matters most then at the end of a day , a year or a lifetime we discover that we spent most of our time on things, activities and people that did not bring us the fulfillment we were hoping for. This may happen simply because we did not organize our time, efforts and activities around the most important matters.

A lack of organization comes from the way we think. The way we think comes from the things that we feed our mind. What are YOU feeding your mind on these days?


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How to Evolve

In order to EVOLVE you must get INVOLVED. There are too many people who look at situations that they would like to see different but are unable or unwilling to involve themselves in the work of changing things. Sometimes you have to be prepared to get your hands dirty.

This means that you may sometimes get involved in things, issues, current events and struggles that other people may not want to touch. It just too messy OR just not popular or maybe it's not an accepted belief they may say. However we know that in order to function above and beyond, our thinking has to be consistent with the quote that says " To get the things that others don't have , you have to be willing to do the things that others are not willing to do."

The next time you see something that is not the way that you would like it, ask yourself, how INVOLVED am I in this matter? In order to EVOLVE (which most of my readers are constantly striving towards) you must get INVOLVED.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Back to the Center

On occasion we experience things that, " pulls us off of our square, Spins us around or Blows our wigs back... You know the unexpected happens to us. We have a need to re-identify with and get back to our center, our core, the place where peace and harmony exist.

It is recommended that we position ourselves in the heart of the natures environment. Go to the water. (Not a swimming pool.) Put your hands or feet in it. Just look at it. Do a walk through a nature trail. Pick up a stick or leaf. Smell the environment. Let the wind blow through your hair OR in your face, which ever is easier. Look at the sun setting or rising. Look at the clouds or stars or just look at the sky. Once you allow enough time in the heart of nature you will be able to feel the peace that exist at YOUR center. Once you are entrenched enough to feel it you will then be able to go back to this place whenever and as often as you need to.

To survive in today's society above and beyond the average we must be able to stay connected with our true center. Nature when not altered by the hands of man is completely obedient to Universal laws and will always reach its greatest potential. We are nature at our core, which makes Nature a GREAT teacher for us.


"...And God saw that it was good."

It has been determined since the beginning of time that to see a job well done is one of the greatest rewards a person can receive for their efforts. This provides also a sense of accomplishment and overall well being.

Above and Beyond ponders the question, whose standard do you use to measure your accomplishments ? The worker? ( But then would that make you self-centered and operating from the position of the Ego? ) Or the receiver? ( Now would that cause you to participate in bowing to the God of public or shall we say OTHERS opinion?

The quote in the title above was designed to establish a point of reference from a Higher authority. Your comments are welcomed.


Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Truth About Lies

The truth is that if you tell a lie long enough you will begin to believe that it is the truth. Therefore is the truth based on your perception or reality? Add to that the question, whose reality will we judge from, the speaker or the listener?

The truth is that in every lie there is an ounce of truth. That is of course what helps to make the lie more believable.

The truth is that REAL truth speakers are viewed as radicals and treated as outcasts, which makes us think that most people would rather have their ears tickled with lies than have their minds opened with truth.

The truth is that when the truth IS spoken, it is done seldom, and soon forgotten. On the other hand a lie well told is immortal.

Above and Beyond seeks the real truths based on universal laws and principles. Are you ready for that discovery? "Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you FREE."--- Jesus Christ


Friday, May 06, 2005

Compared To What?

Our whole existence is tied to comparisons. How a baby develops is compared to other babies. Children measure their height compared to others. Teachers compare the work of different students. A sports team or athlete is compared to other teams or athletes. A fighter is only elevated in rank and recognition when his skills are compared to others. A woman compares her body to other women's bodies in relation to acceptableness. A Man compares his body to other men's bodies in relation to acceptableness also. We compare our relationships to other relationships to determine where we are on the scale of success with our partner. You think we don't? We even compare ourselves to ourselves...You know, how we use to be when we were younger?

This appears to be a normal practice that we have . I wonder is this behavior innate in us or do we learn this. Can we change this? There are those who say "I just do MY thing. I don't compare myself to anyone!" I usually respond by saying. " Really?" but their comments and look seems to be pretty consistent with other people that I talk to who believe they operate independent also...By comparison of course. I mean how would your life and decisions be different if you did not live by comparison? Can you function above and beyond average and NOT compare your level of functioning to what is average? Can you read this Blog and not compare it to other messages that you have heard? Maybe if we all used the same tools to measure we would be in greater harmony.. But what will we compare that tool to? Your life, health, relationships, loves, children, clothes, home, religion and values are compared to what???


Thursday, May 05, 2005

There Is A Fire Out of Control

There are fires of unrest , unemployment, under employment, mis-education, mis-representation, domestic violence, drugs and gang activity RAGING in many communities. However when we talk with the so called leaders/Firefighters about putting these symbolic fires out they say " Let's have a town meeting about these fires, or I've got some good movies about putting out fires, or There has always been fires, or I'm not sure if we are licensed to put out fires or why don't you leave me your card and at our next meting I will ask the rest of the Board what they want to do about the fires." and so on and so on. What about the group who rush to put the fire out but put their ladder on the wrong building . This means they set up programs that look good to the program monitors but don't address the real needs of those dying in these fires.

There are some who also say that "There is no fire in "MY" neighborhood." Take notice! The winds of society is blowing this fire worldwide.

Do you remember the volunteer fire department that was made up of people who would stop what they were doing and work shoulder to shoulder with their neighbor to put out a fire? The people who may not have had the skills to work the advance 2005 hose system BUT they knew that a bucket of water or sand might help a little. They worked above and beyond with what they had in the face of the fire and stayed until the job was done.

Are there any Real Firefighters left? There is a fire RAGING in our communities.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

There are men and women waiting for Oprah to let them know that the Revolution has started. Some are watching CNN, CLTV and Fox to hear about the Revolution. Others are listening to WGN, WLS, the Gospel station and National Public Radio to hear the update on the Revolution. (It Ain't gonna happen like that.) They are not going to show it on the commercials during the playoffs.

The Revolution will not be televised. To find out about this movement you have got to listen above and beyond the traditional media avenues. You must put your ear to the ground to listen to and feel the pulse of the community. Watch the REAL men and Women. The Revolution is coming from the streets, from the men women and children who are tired of talking about change and ready to do something about it. The Revolution will come from the parents who start taking back their homes and start providing safe place for their children to come to. Parents who stop being afraid of their children. The Revolution will come from the business owners that respect and protect their business and customers. The Revolution will come from the men who respect and protect their women, families and community. The Revolution will come from the Women who will no longer accept the image that they are portrayed as on videos , Billboards, Weight watchers and whatever model they choose to parade in the media at the time. The Revolution will come from the women who will no longer accept abuse or mistreatment from their husband, lover or friend. The Revolution will come from the children who will see that they have unlimited potential to accomplish whatever they choose because they will know they are standing on the shoulders of Greatness.

There has never been a Revolution that has not had bloodshed. " Power concedes nothing without a demand, It never did and it never will... Frederick Douglas." Does that scare you? Are you ready for a REAL Revolution. Maybe you would like one that has been filtered , pasteurized ,homogenized, adulterated, diluted and watered down. If so you are reading the wrong Blog.

If you are waiting for someone to bring the Revolution to your chat room, forward you an e-mail or text message you ... You'll miss it. The Revolution will come from within. The Revolution has already started . Wake up... Join in. Our children are waiting for us to stand up so they can see what it looks like...The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.


Monday, May 02, 2005

Something Said?

I had a good friend to tell me once that he was driving down the street in his car late at night and "Something Said" do a hundred to which he listened and ended up in the hospital and left for dead at one point. I have had others say they were about to go in one direction and "Something Said" go another and they did, and was spared a potentially horrible fate. I have heard these kinds of comments all of my life. I know to function above and beyond I have to be able to ask the difficult questions. Therefore I ask . What or Who is that something that will lead us into or out of danger by what it says? Whatever that something is seems to be coming from inside of us. Maybe they are just thoughts...Then why does most everyone say "Something Said"?

I was recently organizing my home and pondering some concerns when "Something Said" check your e-mail. There was information in an e-mail that immediately applied to what I was looking for. On top of that, the e-mail came from someone that I had not spoken to in months. Ahhh, I know...Coincidence right? Are you sure? Is it possible that it was not a coincidence?

This may be an uncomfortable topic for some of you to read...But SOMETHING SAYS that you know what I'm talking about.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Where Do The Great Come From?

Often times we are faced with challenges and struggles that make the day to day functioning an up hill climb. However our desire to function above and beyond causes us to look at the depths of this life to see from where do the true leaders arise. They are not coming from Churches that are just looking for a pastor. It is not from the political arena that may be wanting someone to fill a political position. Nooo. The real leaders arise from within the struggle. They come from within the conflict. They come from within the adversity carrying with them the seed of equivalent success.

Those are the men and women who would rather show you a sermon than tell you one. Those are the men and women who do not spend their entire life in contemplation but take charge of situations. Those are the men and women who do not spend their lives talking about each other but join hands with their sisters and brothers for empowering. Those men and women realize that though they may not get rewards or applause they are willing to continue to fight in the struggle and if necessary die for the cause.

"There has never been a movement where the leader has not suffered for the cause, and received the ingratitude of the people. I like the rest , am prepared for the consequence." Marcus Garvey

All of this having been said I ask you this. If there were no crises, no injustice, no discrimination in this world do you think there would be a need for a Moses, an Elijah, a Jesus, a Marcus Garvey, a Martin Luther King Jr., a Malcolm X or a Dr. Respect?

